Diverse sourcing options for custom furniture

We take the uncertainty out of doing business in the Asia trade arena. By capitalizing on our long-standing relationships with several furniture manufacturers in various Asian countries, including China, Taiwan and Vietnam, we can deliver on our sourcing promises. Our core purpose is to meet the needs of our customers and help them grow their businesses.

overseas custom sourcing for furniture

Our process

Product Specification Phase:
  • The customer submits their furniture concept, ideas or if completed, a final design.  Initial order quantity and target timing is also established.
  • The information is sent to the manufacturer for a production review and proposal. Often, these discussions begin as ‘back of napkin’ sketches that we convert into prints in collaboration with our suppliers.
  • The process may involve several iterations before our client approves the design, which is then sent back to the manufacturer for final quoting.
Preproduction Phase:
  • Upon acceptance of the final design and quotation, a sample unit is produced.
  • Depending on the scope of the project, a factory tour might be in order.
Quality Control:
  • Before full scale production begins, quality control procedures are established.
  • All regulatory conditions specified by the customer are documented in detail and adhered to.
  • Custom Furniture is typically shipped direct to our customers in container quantities.  Depending on customer requirements, and since every project is different, we may be able to offer stock and release options in cases where unit price, packing factor and timing allow for this.


We can source any furniture item for you. Speak to our experts about your particular needs.

Items custom sourced and fabricated

We can custom source residential, commercial and hospitality furniture including, but not limited to:

  • Solid wood furniture
  • Complete task and office chairs
  • Upholstered furniture:
    • Sofas
    • Armchairs
    • Sleeper sofas
    • Ottomans
  • Hospitality furniture & Accessories:
    • Side Boards
    •  Headboards
    • Wood and metal bed frames
    • Microwave stands
    • Luggage racks and benches
    • LED mirrors, lighting and usb receptacles
  • And more

Notable projects

Winning Partnerships Create Opportunities For Everyone

Our customer had a basic understanding of the Vietnamese furniture industry and was on the lookout for a manufacturer that could accommodate their production volumes. Our customer had been to Vietnam themselves, and was understandably impressed by the high-volume facilities. Despite those first impressions, trial orders placed by our customer lead to long delays in delivery and missed deadlines. We knew the larger players were just too big for our customers’ needs at the outset, that our customers’ projects might not have priority relative to orders from larger clients. Instead, we took our customer to meet a medium-sized enterprise that we had been dealing with for over a decade, and which we thought would be a perfect fit for them. Not only did this factory have the flexibility to undertake smaller projects and accommodate the customer’s present needs, they had the interest and resources to expand their production capabilities to produce a broader range of high-quality furniture for this customer as business grew. This is something our customer would never have been able to achieve with the suppliers they had been working with before Comtrad got involved.

Result: It was a win-win situation all around. Our customer was thrilled with the furniture, the reliability of delivery and the business growth. In parallel, we helped the manufacturer expand their production capacity and their product lineup. The whole exercise not only helped the supplier start a new business line and perfect new manufacturing techniques, it strengthened their relationship with Comtrad and enabled our customer to rapidly grow their own customer base now that a reliable supply chain was established.